Thursday, May 8, 2008

Liam Thomas Newton Has Arrived!

In the OR, newborn
About to get my first bath
Mommy and baby
Well, the little stinker just couldn't wait to be born. We were scheduled to have a c-section today at 9:30 AM, but around 5:00 PM last night Jennifer started having contractions. Sometime around 11:30 PM, the contractions were strong enough and close enough to call into the on-call doctor to see what we should do. Her contractions were running about 12 minutes apart, but were moving towards around 8 minutes apart. We got ready and hit the road.

On the drive to the hospital, Jenn's contractions started coming 4-6 minutes apart. By the time we got into triage and someone got around to checking her, she was already at 5 cm. At this point, we noticed a little more urgency in the preparations.

They wheeled Jenn into the OR sometime around 1:30 or 2 AM. I'm a little fuzzy on the times, so I am just guessing here. We're not sure about the time of delivery either. It was somewhere between 2:30 and 3:30 AM, Thursday morning. He weighed in at 6 lbs 6 ozs. We are not sure how long he is. Everything went fine, and Jenn and Liam are both happy and healthy.

So far, Liam has been very easy (knock on wood). Jenn had no problem getting him to latch on, and the feedings have been going very well. His eyes are a dark blue, so we think he might get Jenn's brown eyes. We'll have to see how that goes. Otherwise, he is usually content to just lay with mommy or eat.

Alright, sounds like it is time to eat! He is getting restless!

Here are the stats:
He was born May 8th at 1:52 AM
17.7" long
13" head
12.4" chest
6 lb 6 oz


Anonymous said...

Congrats !!

Anonymous said...

Hey Brian and Jen,

So the little booger couldn't wait to get into the loving arms of Mom and Dad!

Glad things went so well. Congratulations.


Anonymous said...

I was so excited to see your update. Liam is a lucky boy to be born into such a loving family. He is the cutest!!

Jenny Kelly (Clark)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I wish I could see all of y'all some time soon. Jeff Fuller

Anonymous said...

He's just precious! I'm glad things went well. My little one, a boy also, is due Sept. 25th so please tell Jenn to get in touch if she wants to get together for some mommy sharing! I would be grateful!!!

Again, congrats to you both!!!