First, why. I recently had a bout with severe muscle spasms in my lower back. I *think* it was my Longisimus or Iliocostalis muscle (one of the ones that goes all the way up to my neck). It was so severe that I
could not get off of the floor for about 30 minutes, writhing in agony as my muscle seized into a painful knot about every few seconds. I've had other back problems as well, this is just the latest in a long line of issues. I also have problems with my shoulders. They get "out of joint" from time to time and I have to work them back in to get them off of my nerve. I'm fairly certain the shoulder issues come from a long career sitting (well, slouching) in front of a computer writing the codes for the computers all day. Lastly, I've put on a lot of weight since I went from working in restaurants to a sedentary job. I weighed around 165lbs when I got my first desk job. I quickly went up to (and recently past) 200.
After my last bout of muscle spams, I found it very uncomfortable to sit all day. It actually felt better to stand. I've been considering using a standing desk, but this was the last bit of impetus I needed.
I started in the middle of a week and haven't done a full week yet, but so far so good. It is tiring standing all day. One nice side benefit is I find myself taking walks around the campus about 3-4 times per day to move a little. My feet end up hurting, but I suspect better shoes will help with that. The best thing though is that I'm really and truly fatigued at night when it is time for bed. I feel like I did get some physical activity in. I also sleep better since I'm tired. I have problems on occasion with insomnia, so for me this is a GREAT side effect.
Also keep in mind that I'm not standing 100% of the day. I have plenty of meetings to go to, where I do get a chance to sit for a while.
So far so good. It is tough some times during the day, especially near the end of the day to stick with it, but I also suspect that my stamina will get better the longer I do it. It's also way to early to know if there are any noticeable health benefits.